BNRT 19 has been hosting India’s largest event since last 50+ years for the Hearing Impaired – SILENT OLYMPIAD (formerly known as SpOHI)
Bombay North Round Table 19 is a part of Round Table India – one of India’s leading NGOs. Round Table India is recognised by various governmental & non-governmental bodies as one of the highest per capita contributors to social causes in India.
Each chapter of Round Table India has dedicated itself to a particular social cause with the core objective of empowering ‘differently abled’ people to rise & make a mark in society.
Bombay Round Table 19 (BRT 19) has been working for the furthermost of the hearing Impaired for the past 50 years. India’s largest event for the Hearing Impaired – SILENT OLYMPIAD (formerly known as SpOHI) is proof of our work.
The SILENT OLYMPIAD (SILO) is held in the months of January - February of each year in Mumbai. It is open to students of all Hearing Impaired schools across India. Hearing Impaired students arrive a day in advance & depart a day after the event. Past records have shown an average participation number of 1000 students accompanied by their teachers. It is always held on a Saturday, thus enabling schools to travel starting Thursday & return back to their cities, latest by Monday evening.
The SILO, as mentioned is a day - long affair. It consists of track & field events for Hearing Impaired boys & girls from across various age groups. We begin at 7.00 a.m. with a march past & culminate before sunset with the prize distribution. The prize distribution is graced by various celebrities ranging from Bollywood actors to political stalwarts.
The day prior to the SILO, we organize cultural event, health check up camps for the children, sightseeing tours etc.
The cost of the boarding, lodging of all the children + the event expenses are borne by BNRT 19, through contributions from friends, family & well-wishers. Various corporate houses also pitch in. For many schools, we also support them by way of picking up the cost of their travel. Winning individuals & schools receive cash prizes & gifts.
The children normally are put up at Andhra Mahasabha and Rambag wadi at Matunga. In addition, SIES College also helps us in giving their premises for the stay of the children. Chefs at the Andhra Mahasabha, Matunga, prepare all meals. Lunch for the children would be pre prepared & served in the grounds. We have our volunteer team + support staff to ensure cleaning up of the venue post the event.
Please find below presentation of the entire event